
I just finished Day 7 of the #100DaysOfSwiftUI at via

I just finished Day 6 of the #100DaysOfSwiftUI at via

I just finished Day 5 of the #100DaysOfSwiftUI at via

(Yeah, I skipped a day but it happens and I know it’s going to happen again. I’ll keep at it though.)

I just finished Day 4 of the #100DaysOfSwiftUI at via

My problems with TikTok

Yesterday I downloaded TikTok, just to register my preferred username and to see if it was any more useable than the last time I tried it years ago. While I thought I did get my preferred username, it silently added an 8 to the end of it. It turns out there is someone using my preferred username already so I changed it to my second choice.

The other thing I did was find a few accounts of people and businesses I know of on there and follow them. I figured that this would result in my feed being them instead of all those “suggestions” the app crams at me. But everywhere I looked, that’s all I got. It’s horrible. Autoplayed videos of things I don’t want to get sucked into, or card after card of suggested accounts, and nothing from the accounts I followed.

After a few minutes poking around, I deleted the app.

If I’m flying on a Boeing 737 MAX, is it okay for me to not turn on Airplane Mode so I can Find My iPhone later after it’s sucked out of the cabin?

We were lucky enough to meet Mellisa Aldana and her quartet after their terrific show last night, both thanks to Houston’s DaCamera. Her band is

Melissa Aldana, tenor saxophone
Pablo Menares, bass
Lex Korten, piano
Jochen Rueckert, drums

It’s Lex’s birthday today, so happy birthday wherever you are now!

Um, then it seems like the right thing to do is not work, right? Or, do bad work if you can stand it?

It seems like people are using the term “ghost car” to refer to those police cars with markings that you can barely see, graphics that probably skirt the laws that require police traffic enforcement vehicles to not be unmarked. But the term “undermarked car” was right there…

It’s probably good that Jon Stewart is returning to The Daily Show, but I haven’t forgotten his glee when T**** came down the escalator and announced his candidacy. He missed that one by a bit.