
Why I Didn’t go to Grad School at Maryland

When I was an undergrad mechanical engineering student at Maryland, I was considering graduate school there. However, my choices there were limited because I wanted to work in automotive engineering, specifically on internal combustion engines. The one professor who had done work on this was essentially retired and only teaching one class as a professor emeritus, not taking on any grad students.

There was another professor who was new to the university and I heard was highly regarded who did specialize in combustion. I don’t recall exactly, but at one point during summer break I think, I got the opportunity to work for him, perhaps as an intern or something like that. At the time, there was one graduate student he had who was running the lab. This student complained about him constantly. He was going on about how terrible the professor was, he didn’t know what he was doing, why was he doing it this way, etc. He completely turned me off to this professor. I got out of there as soon as I could, and the next semester when the professor walked in as the teacher for one of my classes, I quickly switched to go to that class taught by a different professor (the engineering department at Maryland would list all classes as taught by “Staff” so you couldn’t pick ahead of time based on who it was. When my friend Andy Staff graduated, the dean joked, “you’re the one who was teaching all those classes!”).

Today, I received the email newsletter from the Mechanical Engineering department at Maryland, and it included this article about the professor.

Gupta Inducted into Royal Academy of Engineering

Professor Gupta was honored for his achievements in clean and efficient energy conversion technologies used in energy, power and propulsion systems. He is a leading authority on swirl flows, distributed combustion, and biofuels production and use.

What I think really happened was that his grad student was just a complainer, and I in my youth didn’t really judge the situation for what it was. I didn’t make enough effort to find out for myself what the professor was really like to work for. Maybe the grad student was right, or right about some things, but I find it hard to believe that Dr. Gupta would be that terrible of an advisor yet succeed so much and stay at Maryland this long if he were that bad. I wish I had found out for myself.

And that professor emeritus? Shortly before I graduated, when it was too late to do anything about it, I found out that he had taken on one of my classmates as a grad student because of that student’s strong interest in the field. If I had known that earlier, I would have pursued that option myself.

Edit: I’ve realized the title makes it sound like Maryland wasn’t a good choice or something where it wasn’t suited to me and maybe that’s why I did go to grad school at University of Houston. That was a completely different life moment and choice. I would have loved to have gone to grad school at Maryland then, or even now. I still bleed four colors.

Next up for George Santos—press secretary for President Donald J. T****. The press will never know what’s true or not, whether what he says came from T****, or he just made it up. I’m sure that’s the way Teflon Don would want it.

It’s been four months since that social media site was rebranded, yet nearly every article still says, “formerly known as” and the Wikipedia page is titled via the old name and some parts of the page seem to act like it’s still using the old name.

I wish instead of “Missed Call” the iPhone would label a silenced unknown caller as such. “Missed” makes me think I *missed* the call and feel a little guilty instead of thinking, “probably junk, who cares.”

Thoughts and prayers are meaningless without actually also doing the work that is needed.

I’ve only heard two songs by Olivia Rodrigo but she seems really possessive.

What I actually see in my head when an article says that a company has unveiled a product.

Unveiling new product

What I actually see in my head when an article says someone made an announcement.

businessman with a megaphone,promotion marketing concept

The rains we’ve had this week in Houston have been great, but at the same time seeing them give a good soak for so many dead trees and shrubs from this summer’s drought has been a little disappointing. It’s like seeing the rescue arrive after the victim has died. I can only hope* that we continue to get reasonable rain for the rest of fall and winter and not have a summer like that again.

*Hope, but not expect. There’s a lot I could go into about the subject but won’t right now. I’ll just say I try to let go of expectations. I know what I’d like to happen, but I know life can go a different way.

Houston: The Birthplace of Rock and Roll.

(Goree Carter’s Rock Awhile, recorded in 1949.)